Relational Anxiety

The six week group for peacekeepers, achievers, and independent individuals

Begins October 1st


Are you constantly feeling anxious or responsible in your relationships? Do you struggle to balance your needs with the needs of others?
You’ve probably relate to content on social media surrounding concepts such as:
The Parentified Child
The Sensitive One
Anxious Attachment
Basically, you feel anxiety from taking on emotional responsibility from those around you.

Join the six week interactive group designed to help you move from feeling relationally anxious and overwhelmed to at ease and deeply connected.



This six-week group is tailored for individuals who identify as achievers, peacekeepers, and independent ones in their relationships. These sessions will provide a supportive space to explore and redefine your relational roles, understand attachment styles, and learn how to cultivate ease and genuine connection in your relationships. Topics include:

  • Relational Roles: Examine how your default role influences your relationships. Discover how these roles contribute to anxiety and learn strategies to create more balance.

  • Attachment Styles: Gain insight into your attachment style and how it impacts your relationship dynamics. Explore ways to foster secure attachments and reduce anxiety.

  • Collaborative Connection: Transition from feeling overly responsible and anxious to feeling more at ease. Learn how to set healthy boundaries, communicate effectively, and nurture connections that honor both your needs and those of others.

Redefine How You Relate to Yourself and Others

Do you feel responsible for how people feel? Will you do anything to have those around be okay? It’s time to redefine how you relate.

  • Ease and Confidence: Develop the tools to manage relationship anxiety and feel more at peace in your interactions.

  • Healthy Boundaries: Learn how to set and maintain boundaries that protect your well-being while enhancing your relationships.

  • Deepened Connections: Move towards more authentic and fulfilling relationships by letting go of excessive responsibility and anxiety.



  • Week 1: Understanding Your Relational Identity

    • Explore your role as an achiever, peacekeeper, or independent one and how it shapes your relationships.

  • Week 2: The Cost of Responsibility

    • Analyze the impact of feeling overly responsible and anxious in your relationships.

  • Week 3: Attachment Styles and Relational Dynamics

    • Understand your attachment style and how it contributes to relational anxiety.

  • Week 4: Redefining Your Relational Role

    • Learn strategies to redefine your role and reduce anxiety, allowing for more balance and ease.

  • Week 5: Building Secure Connections

    • Focus on fostering secure attachments and deepening your connections with others.

  • Week 6: Moving Forward with Confidence

    • Create a personalized action plan to maintain your progress and continue growing in your relationships.


  • Each Tuesday from 5:30-6:45

    October 1st-November 5th

  • The comfort of your own home. We'll meet via Zoom. Feel free to bring anything that meets your self-care needs (snacks, blankets, favorite beverage, journals, etc).

  • Pay each week: $75/group

    Pay in full: $375

    *Please contact for weekly payment option.

  • This intimate, virtual group has a maximum of 10 participants committed to building authentic relationships. Each group is 75 minutes long and will include educational components, interactive exercises, and open conversation. You'll get to know one another on a deeper level, mirroring the relational dynamics you want to practice in your life.


Who is this group for?

Relational anxiety shows up as someone who finds themselves taking on too much responsibility in their relationships.
You might prioritize harmony over their own needs, leading to anxiety. You may also struggle with vulnerability and connection due to fear of dependence. When you’re the reliable one, it can be difficult to meet your own needs and rely on others. This group is for anyone seeking to connect deeply with self and others with ease and confidence.

How will this help?

This group will give you insights and tools to transform how you show up in your relationships. You’ll learn how to address fears around being seen, show up presently, and effectively communicate your emotions, wants, and needs.

What happens in the room, stays in the room.

The spirit of confidentiality remains for members who join.