Do you feel lonely in your relationship because your partner is in a situation-ship with their phone? Where has the chemistry and excitement gone? You want to grow personally and relationally with your partner, but feel stuck in a rut of the same routine.

You do not need to be on the edge of divorce or breaking up to benefit from couples therapy. We learn how to be in relationships from our families, past relationships, media, and early experiences. Cycles repeat when we are unaware and don't take action toward change. If you're looking to rejuvenate your relationship, learn how to communicate effectively, and desire a more profound connection, you'll find the benefits of couples therapy. Together we can examine the structure to enhance relationship strengths and encourage desire.

Couples therapy encourages each person to dive into their story, values, and learned patterns to develop an awareness of relationship patterns. Create the unique relationship you desire, strengthen the connection you crave, and ignite emotional and erotic intimacy.


Affairs can be devastating, and two-thirds of marriages survive. Rebuild, strengthen, and heal your relationship.


Simplistically stated, codependency is the need to be needed. Learn how to give and receive love, support, and affection.

Communication and Conflict

Tired of having the same fight? Be heard and seen by one another. Communicate intentionally and break the cycle of the same argument.


Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

EFT is rooted in attachment theory, encouraging couples to kindle an emotional and physical bond.

Sex Therapy

Eroticism begins before touch happens. Ignite erotic energy, cultivate passion, and be in touch with desire.

Attachment Theory

Security provides space to explore. Enhance your secure bond as a couple and endorse the freedom of self expression.

How Couples Therapy Works

First Session

The first session is 90 minutes. We will discuss what is going well in your relationship, and where you would like to grow. We’ll dive into your history as a couple, and develop insight into your current patterns. Below you’ll find the option to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.

Individual Sessions

After the first session, you’ll have individual sessions. You’ve experienced life together, and you’ve experienced life before you met. These sessions are meant to get to know you, your family history, experiences in your relationship, and what your goals would be for couples work. Individual sessions occur as needed during the course of our time together.

The Process

90 minute sessions are recommended, especially for the first four sessions together. 60 minute options are available to meet scheduling needs. We will focus on developing emotional, physical, and thoughtful intimacy through communication strategies, creative couple techniques, and and turning conflict into connection.



Ready to focus on your relationship? If you have put all that you have into work, your children, family, household chores, and notice your relationship is starving, then it’s time ignite passion into your relationship. Embark on a transformative journey with Couples Intensives, a unique and focused program designed to revitalize your relationship in just six sessions. Each session is a powerful two-hour experience, crafted to help you and your partner understand patterns, reshape dynamics, and revitalize your relationship together.
Investment: $1725/ 6 two-hour sessions

Where Do We Begin?

In the intimate setting of our intensives, you'll gain profound insights into the dynamics that have shaped your relationship. Understand the negative cycle you get stuck in, and shift from avoidance, blame, or shame to truly understanding one another.

Let’s Begin

Generate insights into action. Intensives empower couples to make tangible changes. You'll learn effective communication techniques, conflict resolution skills, and ignite passion in your relationship. Walk away with a renewed sense of connection and the tools to sustain it.

Create New Beginnings

The goal is to leave you and your partner feeling invigorated and confident about the prospect of creating a fresh start together. The Couples Intensives are not just about addressing issues; they're about crafting a roadmap for a vibrant and fulfilling future.