The Ultimate Investment

When you think of investments, you probably think of finances. If there is one topic that challenges my intellect, it's financial literacy. I'll leave that one to other experts. Life consists of multiple investing currencies: time, energy, and people. Envision life as an extensive portfolio and notice where/how you spend your time. Now ask what truly matters to you. Do these things align?

How's Your Day... Really? Most of us wake up each day with a pre-written agenda. Get up, go to work, come home, make dinner, prep for the next day, fall asleep, and do it again. Some of us make time for other endeavors such as exercise, talking with a friend or family member, reading, or other self-care items. We wait for the weekends for freedom. However, if you own a home, you might need to mow the lawn, catch up on chores, and spend part of Sunday preparing for the next week. We accrue vacation time, which allows for an allotted 15 days per year. We welcome the reprieve from the monotonous modern life and often stress about all that needs attention upon our return. 

In the book Four Thousand Weeks, Oliver Burkeman writes: 

Productivity is a trap. Becoming more efficient just makes you more rushed, and trying to clear the decks simply makes them fill up again faster.

The Power of Intentions. Let this take be freeing rather than bleak. Since we cannot complete all tasks in our rationed time, let's alleviate stress and worry by refocusing on choices and intentions. Intentions clarify how we spend our time. In your portfolio of life, where can you diversify? Maybe relationships have been neglected and you spend time reconnecting. Take time to read, journal, or learn a new skill. Enjoy healthy habits by cooking a new recipe, walking with friends, or doing the yoga class you've been putting off. Invest your time doing what you value most.

Serenity, Courage, Wisdom. The Serenity Prayer became popularized in addiction treatment centers. However, the gifts of serenity, courage, and wisdom apply to anyone living in the human condition. 

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 

The Courage to change the things I can, 

And the wisdom to know the difference.

Discernment strengthens our ability to modify daily life, ensuring our time portfolio is aligned. Serenity requires relinquishing the illusion of control. When we're in fear, the first coping mechanism often involves grasping for control. Acceptance of our circumstances allows breathing room to be present and open to possibilities. Comfortable may not be the term that comes to mind when we think of our busy lives. However, we find comfort by repeating patterns, even when they don't serve us. Choosing courage over comfort means defying familiar norms. Understanding when to be brave in taking risks and accepting what's not in our control requires practice. Prerequisites to wisdom include tolerance for uncertainty, prioritizing curiosity over perfection, and learning with compassion towards failures. 

Our ultimate investment is our time. We find meaning not in productivity hacks or the ever-long to-do list but in experiences shared among people with whom we've created deep, meaningful connections. Invest wisely. 


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One Thousand Life Lessons