What Matters Most

Are you feeling it? The end-of-year grind and deadlines build us to a tizzy in the midst of the holiday season. In the season branded with togetherness, I’m hearing more people anxious and burned out because of work demands, stress over the volatile market, and looking toward the post-season calm. When life feels uncertain, stressful, or chaotic, how do you get in touch with what matters most?

Values. In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) values are defined as your heart’s deepest desires for how you want to behave as a human being. They are the chosen guiding principles in your life, and they may shift and change over time. Here is a values exercise with a list derived from Brené Brown (of course!). 

The Activity:

Click on the Values List

Review the list. Choose 20 values that resonate with you





Now that you have 20, narrow the list down to 10





Then narrow the list down to 5, and highlight 2 that feel are the cornerstone values

Reflect. How do you live by them? When do you recognize you’re out of alignment with them? Which ones do you want to focus on this season? To make this relational, do this with friends, family, significant other, or your team at work. Share the story of your values. Take note of how you feel telling your story and how others receive it. 

When you feel overwhelmed with year-end escapades, come back to what matters. Having subtle reminders of what matters most provides a sense of grounding when life feels tumultuous. Get in touch with you and enjoy the remainder of 2022. 

You Matter,



Rather Than Resolve, Let’s Take a Fresh Start


Family Therapy: Holiday Edition